Good Cookies: Children's Action Network

Good Cookies: Children's Action Network

May is shaping up to be an AWESOME month here at the Milk Jar shop! While we keep baking up batches of the English Toffee Cookie, we're also finding time to help out some fantastic local nonprofits. Last week, we had the pleasure of assisting in Wine, Women, and Shoes - a special annual event benefitting Children's Action Network!

We were so inspired, we wanted to use our blog to spotlight the "good cookies" at Children's Action Network. From the CAN website:

"Children’s Action Network (CAN) uses the power of the entertainment community to increase awareness about children’s issues and to make them a top priority in everyday life. CAN is currently dedicated to finding homes for the more than 107,000 children in the United States who are waiting for an adoptive family and improving outcomes for the more than 500,000 children in foster care."

Pretty great, right?! As purveyors of all thing cozy and home-y, CAN's cause holds a special place in our hearts. We hope you take a few minutes to check them out, and even donate to their powerful work!

(Oh, and if you do, save the receipt - we'll give you a free cookie with purchase if you bring it by the shop!)